Friday 12 October 2012

My Travels

I’ve Been Everywhere, Man I’ve Been Everywhere
Ok. So maybe I haven’t done a huge amount of travelling, but I’ve been to a few places. Some near places would be Trenton, Borden, and other places in Ontario. I’ve been to Montréal (born there, HOLLAH) just to name a few. I haven’t been too far into the US of A, but I have been to Dayton, Ohio (home of the first heavier than air powered flight in 1903) and Washington D.C. In Washington I went inside the Pentagon, saw the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial and the J. Edgar Hoover building. That is not nearly as exciting as my most recent trip to Europe with WOSS. We went to France, Holland, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary. All of these places were absolutely beautiful. We saw the main tourist attractions in each country such as the Eiffel Tower, Anne Frank House, the Berlin Wall, the Prague Bridge, the Polish salt mine, and Vajdahunyad Castle in Budapest. Other than Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp and other camps we saw, it was all very fun. I would love to go back for a longer period of time because we saw six countries in fourteen days. I would also like to tour other European countries in Europe like Italy, Spain, Greece, and Russia. As well, I think Egypt would be an awesome trip. It is filled with history, the Great Pyramids, the Sphynx and the famous Nile River.

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